[Import Anglais]Dead Space Extraction Game Wii

  • An amazing story Follow the lives of several different Aegis VII colony members as they fight off the Necromorph invasion and learn why Lexine is the key to their survival, all from a first person cinematic perspective that makes you feel like you're really there.

  • Setting and atmosphere Play through an engrossing, interactive horror movie experience that pushes the boundaries of story-telling in a game. State-of-the art graphics and effects, panic-inducing sound, and a thrilling and scary pace will throw you headfirst into the terror which Dead Space is known for.

  • New Gameplay Scenarios, Weapons, Abilities, and Enemies Extraction offers first person dismemberment combat, epic boss fights, new weapons, enemies and puzzles while bringing back old favourites such as TK and stasis to create a unique gameplay experience.

  • Cinematic Camera Extraction uses a unique form of immersion with a cinematic first person shaky cam experience, making the game just as enjoyable to watch as it is to play.

  • Co-op Optimized Gameplay Team up with a friend to protect Lexine and fend off the Necromorphs on the USG Ishimura and the Aegis VII. Players can jump in and out of Extraction to play the Co-op mode --it's as easy as just pushing a button on the Wii Remote.

€ 13.98
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