• Pulp Funk Horror. Zombie cool, one of the most popular shooter classics injected with a whole new retro b-movie look.

  • An utterly in-your-face zombie-dismembering blast. Non-stop light-gun style action on the Wii , blow apart zombies for high-score thrills.

  • Superb co-op action on Wii. Bring a friend and play the game as intended in your own buddy action movie as two of the meanest characters in videogaming.

  • Relentless, gore-drenched, over-the-top action. Only the coolest, most cold-hearted agent's going to keep his head against the zombie flood. Use "Slow-Mofo Time" to make the perfect head-popping shot and "Evil Eye" to spot moments of opportunity that'll send the whole environment up in flames.

  • Wii Remote reactions. Get knee-deep in the dead with motion-sensitive Wii-controls. Shuck a shotgun and when the zombies get too close, pistol whip jaws off or cave some heads in with the stock of your pump-action - all in stomach-churning close-up.

€ 48.00
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