Majesco Zoo Hospital, NDS, ITA

  • Explore the amazing world of animals and learn about animal care, and endangered and exotic species. Budding vets can become experts on their favorites.

  • Use the Touch Screen and stylus in medical mini games to treat varied illnesses. Administer injections, apply ointment, pull teeth, remove deadly microbes, X Ray organs and much more.

  • Treat 40 different patients from the bird, mammal and reptile families. Start with 10 unlocked animals including: eagle, kangaroo, jaguar, zebra, chimp, panda, hyena, male lion, fossa and cobra.

  • Discover how best to calm stressed species through soothing touch. Develop new skills via observation, problem solving and motor control that help you successfully decipher a patient's body language, perform a thorough examination and then determine the most appropriate treatment.

  • Consult the Doctor's Observational Computerized Clipboard (DOCC) to learn what's ailing your patient while checking vital signs and statistics.

€ 29.78
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