Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II (Wii) [Edizione: Regno Unito]

  • Darth Killer: Set between the prequel and original trilogy, take the role of Darth Vader's errant apprentice as you search for your lost love and seek revenge on your former master.

  • Two for One: Wield dual lightsabres as you fight a more varied range of enemies and take part in unique boss battles with a truly epic scale.

  • Force yourself: Utilise new Force powers such as mind trick - which causes enemies to fight each other - and Force fury to give a boost to all your standard abilities.

  • Deep Space: More involved mission objectives include true puzzle-solving and vehicular combat, including the chance to pilot a TIE Fighter.

  • Special FX: Stunning graphics use state-of-the-art technology including physics engine Havok, motion system Euphoira and material simulator Digital Molecular Matter.

€ 21.11
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