N.E.R.O : Nothing Ever Remains Obscure Per Ps4

  • N.E.R.O. features simple gameplay with accessible controls in a rich and atmospheric environment filled with puzzles.

  • N.E.R.O. features unique dream like visuals with high resolution textures and complex shaders.

  • N.E.R.O. is a mystery: nothing is as it seems. Only by solving all the puzzles and through exploring will you be able to discern the whole story.

  • N.E.R.O.s wonderful soundtrack is captivating and comes along with the design. A deep narrating voice will underline the experience, following the two characters in their journey.

  • N.E.R.O.s story is complex and cryptic. We wish players to discuss the meaning of the story on social networks, sharing thoughts and screenshots.

€ 20.08
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