LucasArts Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars Nintendo Wii English video game – Video Games (Nintendo Wii, Action, E (Everyone))

  • New Story - For the first time, players will experience their favorite stories from Star Wars: The Clone Wars, retold in the amazing LEGO world that fans know and love

  • Massive Ground Battles - Brand new to the LEGO Star Wars experience, players will take control of battalions of clone troopers against the relentless droid army - building bases, deploying vehicles and calling in reinforcements to defeat opponents

  • SceneSwap - Authentic to the Star Wars experience, a new feature allows players to take control of multiple teams in separate locations. Working together to complete various objectives, players will control each team through the press of a button, while playing in single player or in multiplayer co-op modes

  • All New Boss Battles - For the first time in the LEGO Star Wars franchise, fans will fight against massive bosses as seen in The Clone Wars animated series, including Gor, the epic Zillo Beast and many other favorites

  • Multi-Layered Space Battles - Players will be able to take off in their favorite ships to navigate and fly through multi-layered combat throughout the galaxy

€ 18.86
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