Killzone Mercenary Playstation PS Vita [Edizione: Regno Unito]

  • Full Campaign Mode: Play through 9 massive single-player missions with multiple difficulty settings. Completion of each mission unlocks additional challenges and special objectives.

  • Breath-taking Visuals: Built on the same Killzone engine used on PS3, Mercenarys stunning graphics and smooth gameplay show off Vita like no other game.

  • Robust Multiplayer: Intense combat for up to eight players boasts a wealth of compelling modes including Deathmatch, Warzone and more. Dynamic Rankings keep the competition fierce.

  • Customise Across Modes: Cash earned in both Campaign and Multiplayer modes can be used to customize your Mercs loadout with stat boosts, weapons and more. Customisations to your Merc apply to both modes!

€ 41.00
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