Splatoon Per Console Nintendo Wii U

  • Team up and take on other teams in an action-filled battle to cover the level with as much ink as possible. Spray walls to access hard-to-reach areas.

  • Covering more territory with ink unlocks powered-up super weapons that can be used to attack rivals or cover more turf.

  • Strategy is everything. Defeat enemies to splatter them in an explosion of ink, covering more turf for your team. But choose wisely: Players who only go after the enemy might find their turf redecorated in their enemies' colours.

  • Refill ink tanks, hide from opponents, or move faster by turning into a squid and diving into the ink with the tap of a button.

  • Select between multiple control options on the Wii U GamePad controller, including using gyroscopic controls to look around, allowing for better aiming and control.

€ 43.77
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