Microsoft Ninja Blade, Xbox360 (EN)

  • Unique Ninja abilities. To help defeat the genetically mutated monsters, players will have the special abilities of "Ninja Vision" and "Todome" at their fingertips. Enabling "Ninja Vision" will allow players to detect and analyze potential enemy weak points, secret paths, and hidden information within the environment. Beware though, while using "Ninja Vision," characters become susceptible to excess damage. "Todome" is a special attack that destroys an enemy character's core (heart), by dealing

  • Variety of weapons, tools and "Ninjutsu" specialized Ninja powers - offer an enticing array of options. Varied environments force players to think strategically about which set of weapons and tools will be most effective at conquering thier way through different levels. Everything from dual wielding swords, to grapple wire hooks, to grenades each have distinctive features and characteristics, so choose wisely! "Ninjutsu" is a special power that results in an explosive electrical force to either

  • Interactive quick-time events. Scattered throughout integral parts of the storyline, characters will come across various quick-time events where players will have the opportunity to directly interact with in-game cut-scenes. Quick reflexes will be rewarded as players interact with controller buttons as directed on screen during intense battles

  • Modern Realism. "Ninja Blade" offers a fresh twist to the classic ninja saga by basing all 3D gaming maps directly from the actual skyscrapers and building tops in modern day Tokyo

€ 6.62
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