Shadows of the Damned (PS3) [Edizione: Regno Unito]

  • A New Vision of Hell from the Creative Genius of Suda51 (No More Heroes), Shinji Mikami (Resident Evil) and Akira Yamaoka (Silent Hill) - Combining visceral Grindhouse style action with a psychologically thrilling atmosphere, Shadows of the Damned is a vision of hell like no other

  • Brutally Twisted Boss Battles - Bring your wrath upon some of the biggest, most memorable and thrilling boss battles ever created

  • Harness the Power of the Light to Defeat the Army of the Dark - Manipulate the balance of light and dark to defeat vicious enemies, solve mind boggling puzzles, and bring hell to its knees

  • Psychologically Twisted, Visceral Combat - Rip apart the forces of the damned using an array of upgradable weapons and survive the ultimate head trip

  • Heart-wrenching storyline - Lost love and the journey through hell to get her back sets the backdrop for this warped tale

€ 18.60
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