Nintendo Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations

  • Play from the first person perspective through five intriguing new cases. Play as two lawyers - relive Mia's rookie days from the past and Phoenix's current cases in the present.

  • Colorful cast of characters: Phoenix Wright - the game's main character who is an accomplished defense lawyer with a keen sense for discerning fact from fiction. Maya Fey - a bright young girl; Mia Fey - an ace attorney.

  • Two distinct gameplay segments: Investigation phase - survey crime scenes, interview witnesses and gather evidence. Court phase - present findings from the investigation to support your case, listen to testimonies and examine witnesses.

  • Psyche-Lock system: Break down tough witnesses with a series of correct questions or catch them on inconsistencies.

  • Microphone can be used to yell "Objection!" and "Hold it!" as you cross examine witnesses.

€ 52.92
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