Final Fantasy Type-0 HD – PlayStation 4 [Edizione: Regno Unito]

  • High Definition Visuals: The world of Orience is brought to life in rich and vivid detail, coming to modern consoles in gorgeous, newly rendered HD visuals.

  • Customisable Parties: Choose from 14 playable members of Class Zero to control, each with distinctive weapons, abilities, and combat styles.

  • High Stakes Battles: A bloody, action-packed battle system where every attack carries the weight of mortality; Enter a world where a common fire spell incinerates foes, and the deadly Killsight is an instant fatality.

  • A New Type of FINAL FANTASY Storytelling: Gritty, emotional and immersive the story sheds light on young heroes who must cope with decisions that will mean the difference between life and death, and the rise and fall of nations.

  • FINAL FANTASY XV -EPISODE DUSCAE- Playable demo for the hugely anticipated FINAL FANTASY XV game, available exclusively with FINAL FANTASY TYPE-0 HD while stocks last.

€ 39.90
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