42 All Time Classics [Edizione: Regno Unito]

  • With familiar favorites like checkers, darts and poker, Club house Games will appeal to everyone from kids to adults. Video game newcomers will appreciate the easy-to-use interface, while card game novices will appreciate each game's rules section.

  • Players can challenge up to seven friends with one game card via Multi-Card Play or DS Download Play.

  • Can't play checkers without shouting "KING ME!" across the table? The in-game (PictoChat-like) feature takes table talk to a new level.

  • There's no need to lug around cards or boards when you want to play a quick game. Clubhouse Games is one-stop gaming that will appeal to everyone's tastes, whether they're in the mood for bowling, backgammon, bridge or billiards.

  • Clubhouse Games is part of Nintendo's Touch Generations library, which includes uniquely engaging titles that have appeal beyond core gamers.

€ 13.37
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