Motorstorm – Apocalypse [UK Import] [Edizione: germania]

  • Survive hundreds of staggering, epic real-time destruction effects everything from machine gun fire to rocket attacks to earthquakes happening as you race.

  • Pick your vehicle from no less than 12 classes, with supercars, muscle cars, superbikes, choppers and more now added to the legendary mix of classics.

  • Take the mayhem online with up to 12 players, including four player split screen and take advantage of a wealth of downloadable content including thousands of new customisable vehicles, parts and graphics from PlayStation Store.

  • Bring every race, crash and explosion right into your living room in stereoscopic 3D glory on your 3D enabled TV.

  • Scegli e personalizza i veicoli da non meno di 12 rami, con supercar, muscle car, superbike, Chopper e più ora aggiunto alla leggendaria mix di motorstorm Classics

  • Con supporto 3d, immergersi nella corsa come ogni Crash e esplosione prendono vita a destra nel vostro salotto in Glory sul tuo TV 3d stereoscopico

€ 23.88
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