World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria [Edizione: Regno Unito]

  • New playable race: Pandaren: Adventure through Azeroth as World of Warcraft's first neutral race and decide whether to side with the Alliance or the Horde

  • New playable class: Monk: Unlock the secrets of pandaren martial arts and do battle as a damage dealer, healer, or tank

  • Level cap increased to 90: Learn potent new spells and abilities while exploring uncharted zones and taking on challenging new content

  • New zones: Explore the lush Jade Forest, treacherous Kun-Lai Summit, and other exotic areas of Pandaria designed for high-level characters, and uncover the mystery of the Wandering Isle

  • Scenarios: Join up with some friends to achieve a common goal, such as mounting a defense against invading monsters, in a flexible new type of PvE challenge

€ 8.15
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