[Import Anglais]Lara Croft Tomb Raider Anniversary Game Wii

  • Celebrate and commemorate ten years of Tomb Raider and Lara Croft with Tomb Raider: Anniversary, an entirely new gameplay experience inspired by the first ever Tomb Raider adventure.

  • Play the living Lara Croft, the world's greatest action heroine of all time - use all of Lara's guile, athleticism and gadgets in her quest to conquer the unknown and uncover ancient artefacts.

  • Includes classic environments from the original Tomb Raider as never experienced before: Crystal Dynamics latest technology allows you to fluidly manoeuvre Lara using her latest moves and gear, through all the worlds from the original - Peru, Greece, Egypt and more. The dynamic world allows multiple playthrough options and also opens up new places and ways to explore.

  • Explore uncharted and mysterious worlds: Enter into strange, undiscovered lands and solve their deepest, darkest mysteries, open doors to new realms, uncover great rewards and unearth secrets to Lara's past.

  • Startling enemy encounters: Encounter fierce animal and supernatural enemies, wolves, bears, crocodiles, horrific monsters and the T Rex. New and improved AI means that all enemies will exhibit a more diverse behaviour set, providing improved combat challenges for the player.

€ 20.22
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