Sonic Colours (Nintendo Wii) [Edizione: Regno Unito]

  • Sonic Colours sees Sonic accelerating to adrenaline-pumping super speeds and blasting through obstacles in ways never before seen in a Sonic game

  • Alien Wisps in Sonic Colours each have a unique "Colour Power" that, once freed, Sonic is able to absorb whilst speeding through the various theme park-inspired planets

  • The Wisp energy enables Sonic to create new paths through the stages by drilling through the ground (Yellow Drill) for example, or speeding through the stage as a laser (Cyan Laser)

  • Stringing the Wisp power ups together creates a combo that increases Sonics boost gauge even more quickly and exclusive Wisp power ups will be available for both Wii and the Nintendo DS versions, ensuring a unique and super speedy gameplay experience for Sonic fans everywhere

€ 26.21
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