Dead Space (Xbox 360) [Edizione: Regno Unito]

  • Dismemberment: This game's core mechanic is the strategic dismemberment of alien appendages. In true survival horror fashion, you must conserve ammo - in true Hollywood horror fashion, it's all about seeing bone fragments and arterial spray fly across the room. Enemies in the game are resilient. The conventional wisdom that a headshot will stop an alien is thrown out in Dead Space.

  • Setting and Atmosphere: Dead Space is an immersive, interactive horror movie experience. An emergent, panic-inducing audio system, an innovative Minority Report-style HUD, and a nuanced, scary pace that will sink you into the game experience.

  • Unique Weaponry: Stasis Gun is used to slow charging aliens and to help solve puzzles. The Gravity Gun and unique projectile-based weaponry are mining tools - your ability to upgrade weapons increases as you progress through the game.

  • Zero Gravity: Survive and destroy the aliens in Zero G environments. Manipulate gravity with Havok physics to solve puzzles and fight enemies.

€ 16.51
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