[Import Anglais]Radiant Historia Game DS

  • Restore the True History - With the power of the White Chronicle, the crossroads of time is yours to traverse. Jump back and forth across various turning points in history in order to save your world from destruction.

  • Your Choices Matter - Difficult decisions face you at every turn. Who will you side with? Who will you choose to help? Your choices progress the story and bring you to drastically different ends. Return to previous choices to initiate changes whose effects ripple throughout the timelines.

  • Classic Turn-Based Combat - Take your party of three warriors into combat, battling enemies within range of your 3x3 grid.

  • Push Your Foes Around - Use the turn order and your special ability to manipulate the positions of enemies on the field to set up combination attacks and gain the upper hand.

  • Flexibility in Combat - Change allied character's positions on the board when it best suits the situation to level the most damage possible against enemies.

€ 31.77
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